Wheel Mouse Trick
Do you have one of those handy little wheel mice? If so, here's a cool trick for Internet Explorer that you'll like.
Have you ever found yourself on a web page with a font so tiny it was almost unreadable? Well, don't strain your eyes a moment longer. Next time you visit a page like that, hold down your CTRL key and roll the wheel on your wheel mouse. You'll find that you can increase / decrease the font size as fast as your finger can spin that little wheel. Give it a try now if you like. Here's some small text to play with:
Wow! Look at this small text!
Don't have a wheel mouse you say? Well, there's another way to increase the size of your fonts. Just hit the View menu, Text Size, and you'll get a sub menu that lets you choose a larger or smaller font.
Oh, one more thing. If you start messing around with font sizes, you may discover the web site you're looking at doesn't display quite right. Most of the time us web designers create the site to look good based on a certain font size. Just FYI.
Thanks to the reader who sent that one in!
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