Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Selective Cookies

Want to prevent cookies or at least have your computer warn you before it accepts them? Well, here's a tip that will help :-)

First, my advice.

I recommend that if you are worried about cookies to set the browser prompt you before accepting them. In my "humble" opinion, it's not a good idea to shut them off altogether. Cookies are about the only way a site can recognize you. If you do any online shopping, have sites that store your passwords, or have a page that is set up for you based on your preferences, you'll lose all that if you disable cookies.

That's my 2 cents worth, here's how to set your browser to prompt you before accepting cookies or to disable them altogether:

With Internet Explorer (5.0 +):

Click your Tools menu, Internet Options. Click your Security tab and click the "Custom Level" button.

You'll find an option for either disabling cookies or having the computer prompt you before taking them.

With Netscape 6

Head to the Edit menu, Preferences. On the resulting screen, head to the Advanced menu, Cookies. You'll find an option for either disabling cookies or having the computer prompt you before taking them.


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